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The No-Stress SEO Audit: 3 Steps to Boost Your Pet Business Website Visibility

Have you ever typed “SEO tips” into Google, only to feel like you’re drowning in techy jargon and endless to-do lists? You’re not alone, pet business owners! While it’s clear that SEO is important for growing your business, figuring out where to start can feel more daunting than keeping up with a puppy on a sugar rush.

Here’s the good news: optimizing your website for SEO doesn’t have to be stressful—or even particularly technical. A simple SEO audit is your first step to understanding where your website stands and what to prioritize next. Let’s dive into three no-stress steps you can take today to start seeing results.

Graphic for the blog, "The No-Stress SEO Audit: 3 Steps to Boost Your Pet Business Website Visibility" The design conveys a relaxed and stress-free approach to boost your pet business website visibility.

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What Is an SEO Audit, and Why Does It Matter?

Think of an SEO audit as a check-up for your website. It’s like taking your pup to the vet—not because anything’s wrong, but to make sure they’re healthy and thriving. An SEO audit shows you what’s working on your site, what’s not, and how you can improve.

Here’s why this matters: you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken. An audit gives you a clear picture of your website’s strengths and weaknesses, so you’re not just throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to SEO. Best of all, you don’t need to be a tech wizard to do it.

Step 1: Search for Your URL on Google

How to Do It:

  • Go to Google and type: (no spaces after the colon).

  • Hit enter, and voila! You’ll see a list of the pages Google has indexed for your site.

What to Look For:

  1. Make sure your key pages are showing up. If important pages are missing, Google might not know they exist.

  2. Spot outdated or irrelevant pages. Remove anything that no longer serves your business.

  3. Check how your site appears in search results. Is Google accurately describing what you do and where you serve clients?

    Search results for Pet Marketing Unleashed.

    SEO course opt in graphic for pet businesses.

Step 2: Check Your Robots.txt File

Next up, let’s talk about your website’s “rules” for search engines. Your robots.txt file tells Google which pages to crawl and which to skip. It’s like handing out VIP passes to ensure Google focuses on the important parts of your site.

Why It Matters:

  • If search engines crawl irrelevant pages (like login screens), it clutters your search results.

  • Directing Google to the right pages improves your visibility and helps showcase your best content.

How to Check It:

Use the free tool SEO Site Checkup to see if your robots.txt file exists and is set up correctly.

Screenshot of a site to check your website's SEO.

Screenshot of a site to check your website's SEO.

Step 3: Submit Your Sitemap to Google Search Console

Think of your sitemap as a treasure map for search engines. It tells them how your site is laid out and which pages are most important.

How to Do It:

  1. Find your sitemap URL (usually

  2. Go to Google Search Console and submit it.

This ensures Google knows what to index and improves your chances of ranking for the pages you care about most.

Take Your SEO Audit to the Next Level

The three steps above are just the beginning of our SEO audit we go through in our SEO course. If you’re ready to dive deeper, grab our FREE SEO Audit Guide pulled directly from our Pet Business SEO Unleashed Course. This comprehensive audit covers:

  • Analyzing performance metrics like traffic and keywords.

  • Checking your site speed to keep visitors (and Google) happy.

  • Verifying mobile-friendliness—critical for a world dominated by smartphones.

  • And more!

With this full SEO audit, you’ll have a clear roadmap for improving your website’s visibility and driving more clients to your business. You’ll also understand where you currently stand with your website’s SEO and where you should focus your efforts moving forward!

Opt-in graphic for a free SEO course to drive more clients to your pet business.

SEO might seem overwhelming at first, but even small steps can lead to big results. Here’s your challenge: carve out 30 minutes this week to try one of the steps we covered above. Then, download the free SEO audit guide to level up your efforts.

SEO doesn’t have to feel like a foreign language. With just a few simple actions, you’ll be on your way to better rankings, more traffic, and (most importantly) more clients. Let’s unleash your website’s potential—starting NOW!


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Pet business web design agency based in San Diego, CA and working with pet businesses across the US.

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