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8 Tangible Steps to Creating Your Pet Business Marketing Strategy

Updated: Oct 3

Are you constantly hearing about the importance of a marketing strategy but have no idea where to begin? If you're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of crafting a marketing plan, you're not alone. Many petpreneurs (aka pet business owners) struggle with where to start and what steps to take to build a strategy that actually works. 

We’re breaking down the process into manageable steps so you can build a marketing strategy that truly helps your pet business thrive.


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What is a marketing strategy and why is it important?

A marketing strategy might sound like a buzzword-filled concept, but at its core, it’s a plan that outlines how you'll promote your business and connect with your audience. Think of it as your blueprint for marketing success. It’s not just about posting on social media or running ads; it’s about creating a comprehensive plan that covers all your marketing efforts—from your website to your client communication.

Think of it as your business's game plan. It outlines:

  • What you're going to say (your message)

  • How you're going to say it (your brand voice)

  • Where you're going to put it out there (your platforms)

It's the blueprint for how you'll present your business to the world, making your marketing efforts work smarter, not harder.

Key Concepts of a Pet Biz Marketing Strategy

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of building your strategy, let's touch on a few important concepts:

  1. A Marketing Strategy Isn’t Just Social Media: While social media is important, your strategy should encompass all aspects of marketing, including branding, SEO, client communication, and more.

  2. Consistency Across Platforms: Your brand voice and message should be consistent whether someone is on your website, reading your emails, or following you on social media. This builds trust and cohesion.

  3. Know Your Audience: Identifying who your ideal clients are and where they spend their time helps you tailor your marketing efforts effectively.

Now, let's get into the steps of building your marketing strategy!

Steps to Build Your Marketing Strategy

Step 1: Start with Your Brand Messaging

The first step is to define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). 

What sets you apart from other pet businesses? Maybe it's your exceptional attention to detail, your specialized knowledge in caring for senior pets, or your ability to calm even the most anxious furry friends.

To help you craft your USP, ask yourself:

  • What do I want people to think of when they hear my business name?

  • What do my clients say about me most often in testimonials or to their friends?

  • What aspects of my work am I most passionate about?

Write down your answers. This will be the foundation of your marketing message.

Step 2: Identify Your Ideal Clients

Forget about creating a hypothetical "client avatar."

Instead, think about your top three favorite clients.

  1. What do they have in common?

  2. Where did they find you?

  3. What do they value most about your service?

This exercise gives you a realistic picture of your ideal audience and where to find more people like them.

Step 3: Figure Out Your Time Commitment

Be honest with yourself about how much time you can dedicate to marketing. If you're juggling a full client load, maybe daily social media posts aren't realistic. But, perhaps you can commit to a weekly blog post or a monthly email newsletter. Remember, a consistent, manageable plan is better than an ambitious plan you can't stick to.

Step 4: Set the Foundations

Before you start creating content, make sure you have a solid foundation. This includes:

  • A professional, user-friendly website

  • Optimized SEO settings

  • Clear brand messaging

  • Consistent copy and language across all platforms

Think of these as the roots of your marketing tree. Without them, even the prettiest leaves (or social media posts) won't help your business grow.

Step 5: Identify the Right Platforms

You don't need to be everywhere—just where your ideal clients are. Here's how to figure that out:

  1. Ask your top clients where they're most active online.

  2. Check where most of your leads are coming from. (Pro tip: Add this as a question on your contact form!)


3. Review your current analytics. Which platforms are driving traffic to your website?

Focus your efforts on the platforms that are actually reaching your ideal clients.

Step 6: Plan Your Content

Now it's time to plan what you'll actually put out there. This doesn't have to be a minute-by-minute schedule, but having a general idea of what you'll post and when can help tremendously. Maybe you'll share client success stories on Mondays, pet care tips on Wednesdays, and behind-the-scenes peeks at your work on Fridays.

Remember, choose a schedule that feels good and sustainable. If the thought of creating TikTok videos makes you break out in hives, don't force it. Stick to content types that you enjoy creating and your authenticity will shine through.


Step 7: Regularly Evaluate Your Strategy

Set aside time—perhaps monthly or quarterly—to review how your strategy is working. Are you seeing increased engagement? More website traffic? New client inquiries? Pay attention to what's working well and what's falling flat. Don't be afraid to adjust your plan as needed.

If a particular platform or content type isn't delivering results, it's okay to let it go and focus your energy elsewhere.

The Most Important Strategy Tip: Just Start

Remember, the hardest part of any new endeavor is taking that first step. Your marketing strategy doesn't have to be perfect from day one. In fact, it never will be "perfect" because your business will constantly evolve and grow. The important thing is to start somewhere.

So, grab that notebook or open a new document and start jotting down your thoughts. What do you want your pet business to be known for? What makes your service special? Who are your favorite clients? Answer these questions, and you're already on your way to creating a marketing strategy that works for you.

Your marketing strategy is a living document. It will grow and change with your business, and that's exactly as it should be. The goal isn't perfection—it's progress. So take that first step, and watch your pet business flourish!

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